Monday, March 21, 2011

My 1st Gold Medal

Hey everyone,

Last weekend I had the opportunity to enter the 24th Taekwondo Championship 2011 at Subang Avenue. That was my first ever competition. Guess what? Apparently I was in the Heavy Weight category for the Individual Free Sparring. I was quite nervous since it was my first time.

My number was 444. Nice huh?!

Despite my nervousness I managed to be the Champion. That's Gold Medal for me! Yeay!

It was a good fun experience to be prepared for the World Kickboxing Championship 2011 in Germany in August. I really do hope I will have the opportunity this year.



  1. congrats!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow Lein! Super awesome! Congratulation!

    ps: mesti ur future hubby takut nak buat onar kan.. kan... GOLD MEDAL hokeyyyy. hoho ^_^

  3. 444 tuh maksud nye mati mati mati la. hahaa


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